Try a sequence of short role-plays, not one long role-play

Practice using lots of short role-plays to prepare for an important conversation or to develop a specific skill - 18 October

Hello Subscriber,

At Sales Reset, we’re big fans of role-play!

Role-play is very different to talking about a situation and working things out in a discussion. Working with somebody else in a role-play can be enormously valuable to develop ideas and try things out.

Role-play is one of the very best ways to practice and improve your selling skills.

In a previous email, I shared with you that, ideally, role play should always be fun and enjoyable!

Keep role-plays short and keep repeating them

A common mistake I see people making when they use role-play is to continue each role-play for too long.

Here’s how it goes. The people doing the role-play decide on the situation. It might be an important meeting for which they’re preparing. Or maybe it’s a role-play to practice a skill.

They start the role-play, get absorbed by the situation, and they’re still going maybe 10 minutes later or longer!

These long role-plays can sometimes be valuable.

However, my experience has always been that it’s best to do lots of much shorter role-plays rather than a single long one. These short role-plays can focus on just one aspect of the conversation and might each last for no more than 1-2 minutes.

When we do lots of shorter role-plays, we can reflect on what worked best.

And then have another go as we repeat the role-play to make it even better!

Today’s Practice Focus

Practice using a series of short role-plays to prepare more effectively for an important conversation or to develop a specific skill.

If you have questions or comments, it would be great to hear from you. Just hit reply and send me an email.

Have a great day!

Founder & Leader

Sales Reset Together


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