Online LIVE! Practice Community

Coming Soon!

We launched our daily and weekly sales training emails in July. During August, we will invite subscribers to our emails to join our LIVE! Practice Community.

We’ve got big plans for our community. Key highlights will include:

LIVE! Practice Workshops

  • Regular LIVE! Practice Workshops where you’ll meet up with community members selling all sorts of products and services in a range of sectors.

  • And you’ll practice selling each other’s products and services!

  • Over many years, we’ve found this to be the best way to practice selling skills.

  • You might know very little about the products and services you’ll sell in these LIVE! Practice sessions.

  • So the only way to sell will be to ask great questions to determine what success means for each customer.

Group Coaching Sessions

  • Regular, scheduled group coaching sessions will allow you to ask any question related to selling focused on your customers’ success.

  • Your questions might be about a particular challenge that you’re facing.

  • Or perhaps the discussion that you might welcome will be about career planning and progression.

  • You’ll be able to ask your questions in advance to guarantee that we’ll have time for you.

Community-Powered Sales Training

  • Our understanding of Communities of Practice has been developing over the last thirty years.

  • The Sales Reset Community of LIVE! Practice is definitely a Community of Practice as defined normally. However, we’ve significantly increased the scope of what we can do because of the available technologies.

  • Together, we will develop, test and continually improve our community-powered sales training that puts customers’ success at the heart of every selling conversation.

  • We will develop a growing range of training courses that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to prioritise your customers’ success in all of your selling conversations.

Mixed Team Selling Tournaments

  • Less frequently, we plan to bring members together for an extended role-play competition with competing teams.

  • We expect that the duration of these sessions will be three hours.

  • The members who work together in these teams will be mixed to share experience most widely.

  • As a team, it’s very likely that you will be selling products and services about which you know very little.

  • The only way to sell will be to ask great questions, coach your customers and listen hard!

  • After the final presentations of each team’s proposals, all of the members of the selling teams will observe the buying team as they discuss their options.

  • And then, the buying team will choose the winning team. And explain to the losing teams why they lost.

  • We expect these tournaments will be enormously memorable and hugely valuable in improving our knowledge and skills.

  • You’ll get to meet and work with some really interesting people.

  • It will be a brilliant way to share experiences and best practices.

  • And we expect to have loads of fun and laughter along the way!

Discussions to Share Experience and Find Support

  • You’ll have a place to ask questions, share your experience and find support from people who know the challenges you face every day.

  • Bring the toughest of your challenges and benefit from our community's collective experience and generosity.

Mobile Apps and Direct Messages

  • Our community will have apps for both iOS and Android that enable you to access resources wherever you are.

  • We expect that community members will use DMs in our app to stay in touch with the people they meet in LIVE! Practice and coaching sessions.

Should You Join Our Community?

Sales Reset LIVE! Practice Community is NOT for everyone.

Truth be told, we’d prefer to help you figure out if it’s not right for you BEFORE you join rather than waste your time. So, let’s cut to the chase...


✅ People in sales roles who want to improve their career prospects and are prepared to invest the required time and effort.

✅ Sales Team Leaders who need help to develop and coach their team members.


❌ Salespeople looking simply for “tips and tricks to close more deals fast”.

❌ People who are unprepared to invest the time needed for daily deliberate practice to improve their skills very day.

Questions or Comments?

  • If you have any questions or comments about plans for our LIVE! Practice Community, it will be great to hear from you.

  • Simply send us an email to [email protected]

  • It will be great to hear from you as we finalise our plans to launch the community,