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  • Sunday 6 August - Sell more effectively by working with multiple stakeholders

Sunday 6 August - Sell more effectively by working with multiple stakeholders

Help your customers to align priorities, expectations and plans

Hello Subscriber,

This is your Sunday Daily Sales Reset email. You are not required to read it or respond! You have the choice to wait until Monday.

However, you might take some time on your Sunday to look forward to next week. This might be a great way to prepare for the success you can expect with your Daily Sales Reset!

Multiple Stakeholders

Next week, we’ll look together at how to sell more effectively by finding, engaging and working with multiple stakeholders.

We’ll start the week by introducing the big idea that in most selling situations, more than one person is involved in making decisions. Many organisations are becoming more collaborative, leading to more and more people becoming active stakeholders in investment decisions.

You can play a significant role in helping this growing range of stakeholders shape proposals. The active involvement of more stakeholders will lead to better proposals. If they have been involved from the start, these stakeholders will be more motivated to ensure success in implementation.

For some people reading this, the knowledge that you can successfully identify and engage with multiple stakeholders will be transformative.

Even if you are already experienced with stakeholder engagement, I hope that next week’s emails will be valuable reminders.

Here’s what to expect every day next week


  • Significant buying decisions in business are rarely made by one person

  • Different stakeholders can have fundamentally different needs and priorities


  • The first person we speak with may be unaware of the implications for other stakeholders

  • You can coach your initial contact: “Who else might have an interest in what we’re talking about?”


  • The person we speak with initially might be reluctant to let us speak with their colleagues

  • What’s in it for our initial contact for them to involve other stakeholders?


  • Our proposals should ideally be compelling for ALL key stakeholders

  • Clarify the specific outcomes your proposals will deliver for each key stakeholder


  • Visual stakeholder mapping is helpful to identify, prioritise and manage multiple stakeholders

  • Seeing roles and relationships visually can help us to manage stakeholder engagement more effectively 

Questions to help you prepare for next week

  • As you look at your calendar for next week, what are the situations where you might develop deeper engagement with more stakeholders?

  • Looking at your current pipeline of opportunities, where might you choose to go back to engage with more stakeholders and unlock a stalled situation?

  • How might you work with your sales team leader and colleagues next week so that they can support and coach you more effectively?

I’d love to hear from you!

If you have questions or comments, it would be great to hear from you. Just hit reply and send me an email.

Have a great Sunday!

Founder & Leader


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