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  • Planning for Success - What are you hoping to achieve with your sales career?

Planning for Success - What are you hoping to achieve with your sales career?

What are the implications of you achieving 2x, 3x or 10x sales success? - Monday 28th August

Hello Subscriber,

Here in the UK, many of us have a national holiday today, and perhaps for some, it’s a day to avoid emails. For other people, a break in their normal routine is an opportunity to reflect on how everything is going and how things might be different and better.

Because of today’s national holiday, I’ve allowed myself the luxury of a rather longer email. I hope you don’t mind!

My goal with this email is to encourage you to seek world-class selling and sales leadership skills.

Here’s a really big question for you to think about:

What are you hoping to achieve with your sales career?

Before I go into more detail about how to approach this question, let me explain why I’m asking.

There are lots of reasons why selling is so worthwhile as a career. One key reason is that people who become genuinely skilled at delivering sales results have more career choices than most of their peers.

Good salespeople and sales team leaders are approached by recruiters constantly.

Over the last 40 years, as I’ve trained and coached hundreds of salespeople and sales team leaders, I’ve seen many people develop remarkable sales careers. Some of the clients I’ve worked with have successfully started or taken over businesses. And I’ve seen people I’ve worked with go on to sell those businesses at hefty valuations, meaning they can decide to stop working and spend their time doing whatever they choose.

These are people who have not just doubled or trebled their career earnings. I’ve seen some of the best salespeople I’ve worked with go on to achieve many times the average career earnings of most salespeople.

If you had the choice, what would you choose?

So, what would you choose if you were given the choice today between these different career outcomes?

If you had the choice today between average career outcomes or achieving potentially many times the average, what would you choose?

Of course, you DO have the choice!

And if you choose to put in the sustained effort required to learn and apply what you learn, there are few limits to what you might achieve.

What are the implications of you achieving 2x, 3x or 10x sales career success?

There’s a wide range of people reading these Daily Sales Reset emails. Some are at an early stage of their sales career. Others have already spent many years selling.

Wherever you are in your career, what would be the implications of doubling or trebling the measure of success in your sales career? What if you could increase your remaining career value by ten times or more?

And to make things clear, I’m not just talking about money. For many people, having the freedom to choose how much of their time is spent earning is a huge benefit of a career in selling.

World-Class Selling and Sales Leadership Skills

As I stated earlier, I have an agenda for today’s email. I’m keen to encourage you to aspire to world-class selling and sales leadership skills.

The difference acquiring world-class selling skills might make to your career and life is potentially HUGE!

It will take time, effort, motivation and commitment to push out of our comfort zones into world-class selling territory!

And it’s absolutely worth the investment!

Career and Life Plans

Have you ever written out a plan for your career? Or even your life?

You might have come across this quotation from President Eisenhower:

“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything”

The point of planning is not that you expect your plans to be fully realised. Instead, the value of planning lies in considering implications and the inevitable trade-offs between options.

Then, when it comes to making important choices from day to day, we’ve already done the preparation.

Here’s the big trade-off that I’m especially interested that you consider. How much time and effort will you choose to invest in developing better selling skills with the goal of achieving substantially greater career outcomes?

Basic structure for career and life plans

Some people find it valuable to think through and map out the potential shape of their careers and hopes for their lives.

It can be helpful to reflect on different timeframes and consider how things might fit together. You could approach this exercise by either just thinking things through or maybe even writing down your thoughts.

How might your selling career or life develop if you actively pursue world-class selling and sales leadership skills? Here are the time frames to consider:

  • Very Short term: During the current month

  • Short Term: 1-6 months

  • Medium Term: 6-24 months

  • Long Term: 2-5 years

  • Very Long Term: Before I get to the end of my career

  • Before I Die: Because it’s coming for us all!

Here’s one area of practice to emphasise today

Reflect on the potential implications of achieving 2x, 3x or even 10x sales career success. Maybe have a go at drafting your career plan, or even a life plan!

Coaching Focus

  1. How would you feel about sharing your plan for your sales career with your sales coach or sales team leader?

  2. I hope they will help you develop the best possible understanding of what you’re hoping to achieve and what you will need to do to achieve your goals.

If you have questions or comments, it would be great to hear from you. Just hit reply and send me an email.

Have a great day!

Founder & Leader

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