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  • We have opportunities to negotiate at every stage of the sales process

We have opportunities to negotiate at every stage of the sales process

How to schedule a follow-up meeting to review your draft proposals through negotiation - Wednesday 6 September

Hello Subscriber,

Some people in selling roles believe that negotiation only happens towards the end of the selling process. This is how they see where negotiation fits:

  1. Start a conversation with a potential customer

  2. Learn about the customer’s unique needs

  3. Develop proposals

  4. And now, as they head towards final conclusions, it’s time to negotiate the commercial terms.

But as you’ve already guessed, today’s email is a reminder that we can negotiate with customers at EVERY stage of our contact with customers!

Remember, the key to negotiation is this: “IF you give me some of what I want, THEN I’ll give you some of what you want.”

This process is at the centre of effective negotiation: trading, bargaining or exchanging. A key phrase of the trading/bargaining/exchanging is indicated by “IF-THEN”.

Here are some examples:

  • Prospecting - IF you, as a busy customer, give me some time to meet, THEN I’ll give you some valuable industry insight I’ve learned in conversation with my other customers.

  • Involving More Stakeholders - IF you can introduce me to your colleagues in this other area of the business, THEN I’ll involve my technical support colleagues to look in more detail at your specific needs in more detail.

  • Developing Detailed Business Case - IF you can work with me to clarify the measurable outcomes you’re seeking from this proposed investment, THEN I’ll be happy to develop the first draft of the business case for these proposals.

Exchanging Proposal for Follow-Up Meeting

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