Fewer, Shorter Daily Sales Reset Emails! 😃

Prioritise helping your customer to clarify the outcomes they’re seeking - Monday 9 October

Hello Subscriber,

Thanks, everyone, for your feedback about these Daily Sales Reset emails. Here's the summary of what I’ve heard:

  • These emails are valuable

  • They need to be shorter

  • You want fewer emails

  • Weekdays only, not weekends

Done! From this week:

  • No more Sales Reset Leadership emails

  • Shorter daily emails

  • Weekdays only, not Saturday and Sunday

If you have any comments on these changes, I’d love to hear from you! Just hit reply to send me an email.

When you’re selling, what’s your priority?

Here’s a choice for you. When you’re in a selling meeting with a customer, what’s your TOP priority?

1. Win their business to enable you to achieve your sales target.


2. Enable the customer to define the outcomes they’re seeking. And then help them to work out how to achieve these outcomes with your products and services.

Of course, you’ll say to me that you can achieve both. And I agree!

But what’s your TOP priority? Because that priority will quickly become clear to your customer.

Sales Reset is all about prioritising customers’ outcomes. Your improved sales results will be a consequence of happier customers who have achieved the outcomes you helped them to define.

Today’s Practice Focus

Prioritise helping your customer to clarify the outcomes they’re seeking.

If you have questions or comments, it would be great to hear from you. Just hit reply and send me an email.

Have a great day!

Founder & Leader

Sales Reset Together


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