Deliberate Practice to sell more effectively

Review your current selling skills and decide what to improve through deliberate practice - 17 October

Hello Subscriber,

Have you ever looked at somebody who is very skilled and wondered how they became that good?

Were they born with that ability? Or was it down to what they did to improve their skill?

I’m asking because I know that you’re interested in becoming better at your selling.

Almost always, the answer to the question “How did they become so good” is that they learned how to do “Deliberate Practice”.

What is Deliberate Practice?

Deliberate Practice was defined by Professor Anders Ericcson during his 30-year career researching the “science of expertise”. Deliberate Practice emphasises the importance of focused, purposeful practice in achieving mastery in anything.

His research into expertise led to clear conclusions. To develop true expertise, people have to practice in particular ways, including the following:

  1. Clear Goals: Deliberate practice begins with specific, well-defined goals. These goals should be measurable and challenging, pushing individuals beyond their current skill level.

  2. Focus on Improvement: Deliberate practice is focused on continuous improvement rather than on completing tasks or performing for its own sake. It's about refining and honing one's skills.

  3. Breaking Down Skills: Complex skills are broken down into smaller, manageable components. This allows individuals to focus on specific areas that need improvement rather than practising the entire skill at once.

  4. Feedback: Feedback is an essential component of deliberate practice. Seek feedback from experienced coaches, mentors, or teachers who can provide insights, identify weaknesses, and suggest improvements.

  5. Repetition with Reflection: Deliberate practice involves repeated performance of a specific skill or sub-skill, followed by reflection and analysis of the performance. This reflective process helps identify areas that need adjustment.

  6. Mindfulness: During practice, individuals must stay fully engaged and focused on the task at hand. Avoiding mindless repetition and staying mindful of the quality of practice is crucial.

  7. Outside One's Comfort Zone: Deliberate practice often involves tasks that are slightly beyond one's current ability. This "stretching" of skills helps individuals expand their capabilities.

  8. Consistency and Discipline: Consistent, disciplined practice is essential for long-term skill development. Ericsson's research emphasizes the importance of regular, structured practice sessions.

  9. Adaptation: Deliberate practice isn't static. As individuals progress and their weaknesses change, their practice routine should adapt to address new challenges.

  10. Expert Coaching: In many cases, having an expert coach or mentor is critical for effective deliberate practice. These coaches can provide valuable guidance and ensure that practice is focused on the right areas.

  11. Patience and Persistence: Achieving expertise through deliberate practice is a long-term endeavour. Patience and persistence are required to sustain the effort required for improvement.

What are you deliberately practising to improve your selling today?

The best salespeople in the world have learned to put in the sustained effort to maintain deliberate practice.

If you’re interested in learning more about deliberate practice, I highly recommend Anders Ericcson’s book - Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise.

What are you focused on practising currently?

Today’s Practice Focus

Review your current selling skills, decide what to improve through deliberate practice and how you will practise that skill deliberately.

If you have questions or comments, it would be great to hear from you. Just hit reply and send me an email.

Have a great day!

Founder & Leader

Sales Reset Together


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