What is customer success selling?

Put measurable customer outcomes at the heart of every selling conversation - 11 October

Hello Subscriber,

It’s been almost three months since I began to write these Daily Sales Reset emails. After the first couple of weeks, I began to record and publish an associated short video.

As you might imagine, I’ve been looking closely at the data about what readers and viewers find most valuable.

It’s been a hugely interesting exercise. I've been learning loads about how the algorithms work on each of the social platforms!

One of the most significant things that has come out of all this is that some key phrases stand out for people. And one of the phrases that has stood out the most is “Customer Success Selling”.

I suspect that I’m going to come back to this phrase time and time again in the months and years ahead. This all leads to a very significant question.

What is Customer Success Selling?

Here’s my first go at a Sales Reset definition of Customer Success Selling:

Customer Success Selling describes a sales process that puts measurable customer outcomes at the heart of every selling conversation.

If you’ve got a better version, or if you have observations on this definition, I’d love to hear from you! Just hit reply and send me an email with your thoughts.

What does this mean for you in your selling today?

It means that in every “Customer Success Selling” conversation you have with your customers today, do everything you can to keep the conversation focused on the outcomes this customer is seeking. As far as you’re able, help your customers define the outcomes they’re seeking so that these outcomes can be measured and reported.

Your goal is to help your customers define the outcomes they’re seeking more clearly than ever before. You can then put these clearly defined and measurable outcomes at the heart of your increasingly compelling proposals.

With these measurable outcomes in place, everybody can review your customer’s experience with your products and services. You will all be able to see EXACTLY how much success they have achieved!

Today’s Practice Focus

Put measurable customer outcomes at the heart of every selling conversation you have today.

If you have questions or comments, it would be great to hear from you. Just hit reply and send me an email.

Have a great day!

Founder & Leader

Sales Reset Together


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